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Leadership Certificate

Community or Campus Service

Volunteer service to our campus and community is an integral part of our Leadership program.  Although we require a minimum of 20 hours, we strongly recommend our emerging leaders to commit  their time and effort for as long as necessary to gain the most insight into the process of leading and of being led by others

Aspects you should consider before signing up for a service activity:

  • Try to search options early on in the academic year both on campus or your community
  • Find out exactly what are the conditions and terms for the volunteer work: the time and days when the service hours must be done. Make sure they do not conflict with your academic schedule and other personal activities
  • Do your best to engage in service that corresponds with  your personal preferences and aptitudes
  • Remember that once you sign up for a service activity others are counting on your presence and performance. Keep in mind that you are representing our institution and Center.  Thus, your behavior and attitude while serving will, inevitably, reflect our values. Always show up and do your very best!
  • Do not forget to have the supervisor of the activity, on campus or from an outside venue, to sign the Service Validation Form, and to obtain his/her phone number and email address.  Our Center needs this information to confirm your volunteering hours

If you are creating your own leadership/service activity on campus:

  • Communicate to the Center for Leadership Development your intentions (you may stop by our office or request an appointment)
  • Come to the Center ready to explain your ideas. We can help you structure them in a way that is suitable for the students’ schedules and the space we have available on campus
  • The nature of your service can be quite varied.  Sometimes leaders propose tutorials in matters they excell at (academic and non).  Some students have prepared and taught lessons in martial arts, photo shop, yoga, sketching, Structures (basic and advanced), English, Italian.  Others have created their own “running”, soccer or “ski” clubs.