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Industrial, Mechanical Engineering

Metallurgical Investigations Division

The laboratory activities concern traditional and innovative metallic materials. In all the studies that have been carried out, the main interest has been the correlation between the microstructure (investigated by metallographic techniques) and the mechanical properties (investigated by different kind of mechanical tests).
Field of interest and research are:

  • traditional and innovative steels
  • Aluminum, Titanium and Nichel alloys
  • wear resistant layers
  • industrial heat treatments


  • mechanical characterization (tensile and compression tests) of metallic materials, at ambient and high temperature
  • fatigue and fracture toughness characterization of metallic materials
  • creep-rupture and stress-rupture tests of metallic materials
  • heat treatment optimization of steels, aluminium, titanium and nichel alloys
  • salt fog spray and continuous condensation corrosion tests on medium-small components
  • metallographic analysis
  • failure analysis of metallic components
  • study of wear resistant layers by pin-on-disk and ball-on-disk wear tests
  • residual stress measurement on metallic components by hole-drilling method
  • static load tests on medium size components
  • mechanical-metallurgical training courses and consulting