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Rehabilitation, Sport, Inclusion

Virtual Prototyping and Augmented Reality

In the laboratory, innovative technologies for the development of AR/VR applications to use for the product development are made available to students and demonstrated to visitors. We use advanced systems for the development of 3D digital models, and we also develop applications based on virtual prototypes for the functional and ergonomic simulation of products.
The available technologies include devices for stereovision in virtual environments, which are used to represent both immersive and augmented environments. In particular, in this lab there is an area devoted to the immersive interaction and provided with devices to be worn by users. These devices, such as sensorised gloves and Head Mounted Displays, allow the development of applications with user-friendly interfaces. Finally, the lab has been equipped with tools for the acquisition and the analysis of human movements.

Learning support activities
The laboratory is used by the students of the courses: Metodi di Rappresentazione Tecnica, Modellazione CAD, Product Development Design Studio, Virtual and Augmented Reality for Sports Engineering, Virtual and Augmented Design for Mechanical Prototyping and Design for Interaction.

  • Applications for Tele-rehabilitations and neuro-motor exercises using VR/AR devices
  • Applications in Virtual and Augmented Reality for Cognitive Improvement for People with Special Needs
  • Rent of different devices for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality applications