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Civil Engineering and Risk Mitigation

Geotechnical Analysis and Modeling - GeoT-LAM

The Laboratory of Geotechnical Analysis and Modelling (GeoT-LAM) is focused on the application of Geotechnical Engineering principles to soils and rocks, and to their interaction with structures and infrastructures. The main fields of applications are the design of structures, infrastructures and earthworks, land protection against landslides and roc-kfall events, the protection of structural historical heritage. GeoT-LAM is also involved in high-level education and training activities for practitioners and professional users.
Research fields address the mechanical behavior of soils and rocks, soil-structure interaction problems, the effects of cyclic environmental loads and of dynamic/impulsive actions.

  • geotechnical dimensioning of protection interventions for unstable slopes (rock-fall, landslides, debris flow)
  • protection of buried pipeline landslide areas
  • mechanical characterization and numerical modelling of the behavior of structures and bridges
  • monitoring of freezing-thawing processes in high altitude rock masses
  • geotechnical monitoring of earth embankments for hydraulic protection measures
  • advanced monitoring techniques for tree stability assessment
  • design and supervision of on-site monitoring activities
  • data analysis and interpretation of experimental tests and monitoring campaigns
  • advanced numerical modelling of soils and rocks supporting the design of structures, infrastructures, excavations and earthworks
  • development of custom design approaches for soil-structure interaction problems
  • software and app development (both shared and standalone)
  • design and supervision of specific research projects
  • education activities
  • high level PhD Executive courses for companies